Made It!

Day 4
June 9th, 2014


This evening, I found myself happily on stable ground and free from the confines of my little clown car for the first time in what feels like eons. Hurray, freedom!

My grandparents’ cabin remains just like I remembered it: a time capsule from my childhood, with pictures of little me donning the mantle of the fireplace to prove it. After the preliminary settling in and unloading the car, it was off to stretch my legs on a bit of a jog. My Floridian legs aren’t quite used to hills, but the cool weather, crickets chirping, small country road, and misty, dusky environment were so idyllic, I quickly forgot about leg cramps. (I’ll let you know if they kick in tomorrow.)

The evening was so appealing that it seemed the perfect opportunity to play around with a bit of night photography. Thus, my photo of the day and the majority of my extras have their origins in this evening’s shoot (not counting my last photo, which is a lovely caffeine and kitchen-implement themed home that I spotted on our trip earlier today.)

To give credit where it is due, I owe thanks to my not-so-willing brother, Chase, who is featured in a few of these photos, as well as my wonderful boyfriend, Dylan, for helping me with this shoot. Both aided in a bit of light painting and hand modeling, and for that I am grateful.

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