It Begins

Hello, hello!

Today marks the maiden voyage of my shiny new blog. Welcome to it!
For now, this space is intended as an accompaniment to my burgeoning 365 project, in which I will be taking a photo a day for a year. In it, I will be providing my daily photo, as well as outtakes, bloopers, and additional shots that may not have made the cut, but that I still found worth sharing. On top of that, in this space I will be providing my thoughts about the project, as well as any entertaining experiences I may have along the way. Just think of this as a behind-the-scenes look at my 365!

Day 1
June 6th, 2014

Day 1

So far, so good! I spent about five hours working on this photo yesterday. I dread the coming days when I will be more crunched for time and won’t be able to dedicate that much time to each picture, but I know that that’s all part of the 365 game. To give you all some perspective as to why I’m choosing to do this project in the first place, here’s a quick bit of background:

I have been a massive fan of Flickr since I was first introduced to it by a close friend of mine way back in 2009. On that website, I learned about the idea of the 365 (as well as the 52 weeks project) while following the work of Flickr-ers such as Karrah Kobus, Whitney Justesen, Ottilie Simpson, Shane Black, Joel Robison . . . oh, the list goes on and on. (For the record, I highly suggest checking out any and all of these photographers’ work: it is wonderful.) However, I was always too busy or lacked the confidence to start one of my own. After all, taking a (good) photo a day is quite a commitment, along with having the courage to post each one, for better or worse.

On April 25th of this year, however, I graduated from college and lost any excuse I may have had to not do a 365. After all, my ultimate dream is to become a professional photographer– how could I possibly achieve that goal without practice, and lots of it? And thus, my 365 was born!

Day 2
June 7th, 2014

Day 2

Tomorrow, I will be leaving on a 941-mile trip (but who’s counting?) to my grandparents’ cabin in Frenchville, Pennsylvania. As such, I thought it was only fitting to incorporate my (glaringly and intimidatingly empty) suitcase into my photo du jour. Hopefully the suitcase-packing elves will get to work soon.

So far, my ideas for this project have been coming very easily. I can only hope that this will continue, but just in case, I’ve been stockpiling sketches of my concepts for rainy, uninspired days. Here are a few additional photos that I took today, just for a bit of fun:

365 Outtake_3

365 Outtake_2

365 Outtake_1